Jun 06, 2005 19:34
Today was ok. My alarm never went off this morning and then my ride came late, so I got to school with 5 minutest to spare. In english, we read from West Side Story, which I love, cause I read it in 6th grade...with my favorite class EVER. Then study hall was boring...I voted for Dale Jr ALL period and studied for my spanish test. In spanish I took my test, and did decent...but I could be wrong. In math I worked on my project with my partner and I got like all the measurements done. Lunch was ok...I talked to Hutch the whole time. Then in History...me and Sam broke our perfect records for not having to do push-ups. Diz called on me to read...so I started to read and Sam starts to laugh, so it made me nervous and I laughed and couldn't stop. So I finished my paragraph then popcorned to Sam....so I started to laugh so she was laughing while she was reading. And she finished and Dubs told us to stay after class. I like freaked out cause he has been like cruel to me ever since this one video we watched and he called us heartless. So we stayed after, but attempted to leave un-noticed first...and he said we owed him 10 push-ups each. Sam tried to get out of it cause she had a skirt on, but we did them and everything...I feel so disappointed cause we were on like a not-getting in trouble streak in that class. Well anyways, in double bio...we worked on our lab all period and presented. It was sweet. Then I went home and babysat for the Mercaldi's AGAIN even after they told me last week was my last week. Then I jogged on the treadmill for awhile, and talked to Megan after. She has one day of school left...friggan butthead...but I'm proud of her cause now she is a senior! We have 12 days left til I don't have to see all these shitheads again...Amen! Then 24 days til I leave this shithole. I can't wait...vacations in Michigan are what I live for. Seriously without them...I wouldn't be here. My family keeps me going...and without them I don't know what I would do. Can't wait to see you wilis and make some more fun memories, like camping and being scared by those guys, and taking the kids on golfcart rides or ditching leaving them in the dust with their little fist in the air crying (LMFAO) good times. Well that's bout it....later kids.