Dec 12, 2004 11:21
This weekend I have to....
1) Go to work (on the busiest week of the year for us!)
2) Finish My Maths coursework
3) Do my English essay (should be about 8 pages long!)
4) Learn Christmas song and rehearse with the rest of my incompetent group for music (we are getting filmed *dies*)
5) Write a script and perform a scene for my English Speaking and Listening test
6) Do an RE presentation on Powerpoint (which I dont have at home, may I point out)
All should be done by TOMMORROW *gasps*
So basicly IM FUCKED!!!! I am soo fricking stressed......and things I ordered havent come, and I am having problems with a domain, and I need to go and buy a ticket for a local gig tonight I promised my friend I would go to. I seriosly think I am going to collapse!
Not to mention the fact my dad is being a dick, so I thihnk you will all understand if I lock myself in my room for a few days and play KOL full full blast! hoorah