uhm yeah.
last night was pretty intresting i guess
I moshed. for real. [well if you count school band moshing, moshing] in flip flips and an effing skirt. UNTILL my shoes kept falling off. so then i wore no shoes. and now both my feet are dead.
I saw Kylie and Brooke and talked to them both. I also hung out with Sarah and Kim majority of the night.
Craig from End 45 is one the most beautiful people i've seen in a while.
Lost Without is one of my favorite non-emo-bands.
The kid i like, knows i like him. which made me paranoid and sick the rest of the night. even though i have crushes on 834594435 other kids so i guess its not that big of a deal.
My brother ended up coming with 2 of his friends. and magically hes friends with more hott highschooler kids than i am.
I am an amazing sister for not telling on my 11 year old brother for walking to the battle of the bands at 10.30 at night when he was supposed to be somewhere else.
I dont think im going to be able to hang out with Catherine this weekend which sucks prettty bad.
Im doing like all family activites for the next 2 days. which sucks even worse.
ANDDDD my dads unplugging the computer. so we can use the table that its on. so yea that kinda sucks too. so i think you should call me today. 6492451 // 3801139