Like OMGZ!!!! Brangelina had a baby!!! Shut the fuck up.
Seriously, shut the fuck up. I don't give a damn that "brangelina" had a fuckin baby. Guess what? a lot of other women had babies too! Let's put them all over the goddman news.
I completely understand the news about Brad and Angelina's baby being on E! News. However, it being on every single news chanel for a friggin weak, that I definitely don't understand. NEWSFLASH: There was a huge earthquake in Indonesia!
I'm pretty sure an earthquake is way more important than some baby, a baby named after a fuckin dog. That's right, in case you didn't know "Shiloh" is the name of a book about a dog. Lip Girl and Idiot Boy named their kid after a dog! Why am I calling them lip girl and idiot boy? Because Angelinas lips take up her whole fuckin face, and brad left Jennifer Aniston for lip girl, therefore, he is an idiot.
OKay, on to my next point. Just becuase you may think Angelina and brad are pretty, doesn't mean their kid is going to be pretty! I mean seriously, you've never seen an ugly kid with cute parents, or a cute kid with ugly parents? I bet you have. Some girl actually told me Angelina was beautiful becuase People magazine labeled her "Most beautiful woman in the world." Okay, so next week when People Magazine labels her "worlds biggest freak show" are you going to agree with them then? I doubt it. Don't believe everything you read sweetheart.
Next point. Everyone thinks Angelina is oh-so amaizng because she donates her time to the children in Namibia. Ok so, what about all of the other people who donate ALL of their time to the children of Namibia? Why aren't they on the news? Why isn't one of them your "idol?" Oh, I forgot, only famous people make a difference. NOT. Get a fuckin clue.
Also, Angelina and Brad donated $300,000 to Namibia. Umm, don't they make that much in like, a day? Honestly, it'll take them donating a lot more money than that to even put a small little dent in their bank accounts. I am NOT impressed.
So, to all you annoying people that are consumed with Brangelinas baby, get a life. Seriously. And while choosing that life, try to have it focus on people you actually know.
Thank you, and goodnight.