I left the house with alicia and aurthor.. and brian actually (long story) around 430. we were there at 5 and stood outside in the freezing cold until 7:20. anywho, brian and i went around looking for tickets. they were being sold for $200-300. Bullshit. all i had was $110. we go back to the buses and we meet two other guys scouting for tickets. We talked to them for a while and they were actually hardcore incubus fans too. brian and i thought we saw mike in the bus, but it was just someone with a fro similar to mikes. so we keep waiting and walking around and finally we see another guy selling tickets. he said $200. i told him all i had was $100. so he said alright. pretty easy deal. these people we met earlier came running over and said "Heyyy ill give you $150" i was sooo scared they were going to sell it to just them, but luckly they had a few. They sold it to us for $100 and them $150 each. aha. so i skipped down the line with my new ticket and we just waited for another 2 hours. the ticket looked fake but you know what, i knew they just ripped it there at the factory. take chances. take chances. take chances. i got in.
opening band came on. I don't know their name but they were pretty good. i really enjoyed them. Indie kinda music but it was cool. Mind you, the guy with the fro that we saw in the bus, was the lead singer of the band. aha. brian also shook the bassest hand at the tour bus too. anyway we were 8 people back in the middle (i counted) so we were already fairly close. incubus came on and i was being trampled on, hair pulled, neck snappin, lost my scarf, almost lost my chuck, swayed, knocked, dehydraded to the point where i wanted to puke and almost crowd surf my way out but i knew i'd regret it... oh.. i was also the third person from the stage. =] totally worth it. it was so surreal. i just looked up at ben kenny in front of me turned my head and brandon was 3-4 ft away from me. i think my heart stopped. at some points i wanted to pass out i couldn't even pay attention to brandon (dehydration) but i sucked it up. shit. they didn't play all the old hits like stellar, pardon me, or drive. but they did play a great-good deal of songs i love. then again they are one of my favorite band so it's pretty hard to choose a favorite.
brandon played the bongos, guitar, and did this light show. brandon and jose had a little drum war which was sweet ass. aha oh, i made the people around me crack up. after every song i'd scream something when there was silience. well not total silence, but after everyone screams there is always that pause. i typically asked brandon to marry me.. later on i screamed i loved him and some guy behind me mimiced me and told brandon "brandon! she loves you!" i then said "brandon i want you" he then said "Brandon! she wants you!" ahaha it was funny. then another guy behind me said another time "I'LL SEE YOU IN NEW YORK" i then aburptly said "I'LL SEE YOU IN MY ROOM!!" i think i got the most laughs out of that one. coincidentally, the song they played after i screamed that was "here in my room" aha. oh man<33
well, i never sweated so much in my life. i enjoyed everyone else's sweat on me. But it was totally worth it. seriously.. i'd do it all over again. i cried last night i was so happy, lol.
here are some videos and pictures.
oh yeah, by the way, i found my scarf.
here in my room video
it's sideways and short, but a sweet clip
and just a couple great pictures
i'll post the rest on webshots.. but if you're anxious, i already have them on facebook.
alright so look for the rest at webshots, facebook.
by the way brandon came out with a new book.
oh and apparently this show was recorded and will come out on DVD.
at least that's what the opening band said :)
it was very flashy and brandon was rockin it.
peace & love
i mean, mrs. nikkie boyd ;-)
p.s. thank you all for giving me the wishes.
p.p.s. the only thing i want to do is watch incubus videos/clips/dvds. i keep watching them and i can't believe i saw them in front of me.. playing.. it's all i'm thinking about haha. i'm so screwed for my test thursday. haha crap.