Probably due to me going into the military.

Oct 03, 2008 00:17

So I don't understand, really, how dinosaurs and zombies are such frequent occurances in my dreams these days. I swear, I don't dwell on them during the day, I don't obsess over these things, in fact they're on my mind very very little, in comparison to other things. But alas, they come out in my dreams.I'm in a room, something that looks like an abandoned communications station, full of other soldiers, all disagreeing on what the next course of action should be, shouting this and that, and I was the ranking officer. I look out the window and it's pretty heavily forested jungle outside. A subordinate, someone with a hot head and a HUGE body, starts pacing around the room, mouthing off, swearing that I'm going to eat his fist and this and that, if I don't get us out of here, swinging his arms wildly. I yell to him that he needs to cool it and sit down, as I have orders from above that we are NOT to relocate from this position, under ANY circumstances and that doing so could lead to a compromise of the extermination of the threat outside. The form of said threat escapes me, but I know it's more than a handful of soldiers in a room, sweaty and tired, can handle.

He starts storming towards me, arm cocked, screaming his head off how we're all going to die and I catch him off guard with the barrel of my rifle to his chest. He looks kind of blankly at me and I practically whisper in the silence left by his booming voice, "If I so much as see a hair on your head sway in the wind, I swear to god I will put a bullet through your heart." He smirked and reached forward for the barrel, starting to say, "You don't have it in you." But he only got halfway as I pulled the trigger and put his insides all over the floor behind him.

I could smell the smoke coming from his open chest. The other soldiers looked at me. I made eye contact with every one of them. "Anyone else have any inquiries about what our current plan of action should be?" I heard an incoming transmission, looked startled and told everyone to get out, to run as fast as they could, I rushed all my men outside and the view went to third person on the ground outside the crude building. An explosion came rushing out of the forest behind us, enveloping the building, as I jumped out of the way just in time to not get my feet burned off. I'm deafened by the loudness of the blast, and then it went back to first person. I yell "Regroup at my location!" but in the forest, as my hearing slowly returns, like turning the volume up on a movie already playing, all I can hear are the screams of my men and gunshots.

I look to my left and through a small opening in the underbrush I see one of my men taken down by two of my others, they're feasting on his skin, tearing him apart, but only briefly enough to get a taste. They slowly back away on all fours and stand up, watching him writhe in pain. His gyrations, his kicking and screaming quickly turn from pain to blood lust as he stands up, turns around, and spies me through the hole, standing frozen where I was. The other two spotted me as well and they all three just stood there in a line, their white eyes glowing in stark contrast to their skin, now foul, grey like stone, and dull, their chins covered in still fresh blood. Their eyes seemed to leave trails in the sky, like they were smoking.

And then it hit me. It came from the right, out of the brush.

"Clever girl.." I said, as the raptor took me to the ground and started eating me alive.
So yeah, then I woke up.

What the fuck.

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