The most frightening nightmare ever

Apr 28, 2010 17:37

Last night I had a really weird dream. I don't know what it is about me, but I have some of the oddest dreams EVER. My creepiest, weirdest one to date was known as "Stick-Nun". Basically,  a stick chased me to my house while shooting bullets at me, there was a nun in my door way making a fire, I poured coke on the fire and the nun and stick both exploded into flames. BUT. Last night, I topped that dream.

I haven't decided on a name for said dream yet, but it definitely needs one.
It started off with a zombie/vampire apocalypse. I say both because I really don't remember--actually, I think that was never clear in my dream. Maybe they were a cross between the two. I just know that they attacked and turned you into whatever they were. So, the city gathered everyone up (mostly people that I graduated with and stuff) and put us in a large building. We watched the madness out the large windows every day, until finally it was over. We were released, and went on with life.

However, apparently there was a theme park that the zombies/vampires hung out at. Like, they hadn't been killed off. They just...worked at the place? I don't know. But I remember going there with my parents, and my mom was really scared of the place. She was hesitant to go with us, but we convinced her. I remember there being some kind of ride, like a roller coaster. At one part, a worker grabbed you by the throat and made you look in his eyes--that was the creepy thing about the park. Everyone who worked there (regular humans included) had red eyes and looked possessed. If you stared into a zombie-vampire's red eyes, you'd turn into one--but you never knew who was a normal person and who was affected. So, the worker had red eyes, and FORCED you to look into his eyes. It was terrifying, because you really didn't know if you were going to turn or not. I guess he was a human, because I didn't turn. When we got off the ride, we were looking at souvenirs, when a little girl (with red eyes) stared at me and giggled, then a little boy in a wagon knocked the sucker out of my mouth (apparently I had a sucker?) and laughed in slow motion.

After that, we went chicken-fishing. Named like fly-fishing, but different. We went out on a creepy boat to a foggy lake and fried chicken. Yeah, we fried chicken on a boat. Apparently it was the "thing" to do and you weren't a true (insert name of pretend city here) resident if you hadn't gone chicken-fishing. After that, we went to this room. I don't know how we got there, because this was supposed to be a theme park. But we were there, and my like, 3rd cousin IRL was there all of a sudden (the room belonged to her). We started talking to her, and I saw a cat in the window. It meowed at me, I pet it, and my cousin said "be careful--that's an evil cat. It's bit me before". I didn't pay attention because, well, KITTY! So I pet it again, and then it really turned evil. It turned into a ghost (invisible) and wrote a message on the carpet. I don't remember what it said, but I remember it drawing a picture of fingernails and we were all guessing what it was drawing, like we were fucking playing pictionary or something. When someone guessed it, the cat appeared and ripped it's claws through someone's throat. Soon after that, a coffee cup started floating around the room and my grandpa randomly appeared, and the cat possessed him. He started talking in a weird voice and we left.

That night, we stayed in a hotel room on the premises of the park. My family wasn't with me anymore, though. It was just me and my ex best friend. We couldn't get to sleep because there was a lot of creepy things happening. Things were flying around, and then I got REALLY bad chills. I was almost convulsing due to the chills. Then I heard a soft whisper and woke up. I was shaking (from the chills in the dream) when I woke up IRL. Then my cat meowed and came running toward me. FUCK YOU, KITTY. You're not having this soul.

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