Brighton Tattoo Convention and other goings-on.

Jan 30, 2008 00:51

So after mentioning it a lot, it finally happened. On Friday i set off on the coach to Brighton, far longer than getting the train but MUCH less hassel in my mind. To add to the tedious journey i had also not slept in 26 hours as it seems that, in my life, everything gets left to the last minute and then there aren't enough hours in the day for the pile of activities that have built. Work putting me on 4pm-1am shifts doesn't help matters either. Anyway, tangents!

So when i arrived Stevie and i ordered in Pizza hut and rented Super Bad, which i was thouroughly disappointed with; far too much dialogue i thought! I eventually found out when my appointment was and instead of it being "sometime in the afternoon i'm sure" according to Dawnii, it was actually first thing on the Saturday morning so we both headed to bed. I slept on the MOST AMAZING corner sofa for three nights, it was bliss! "The best hangover purchase ever" according to Stevie!

I was slightly worked up and flustered by the time i arrived on Saturday as i was a tad late, i thought. When i got to Dawn it seemed like i was actually alright time wise as she hadn't even set up yet. I felt incredibly sorry for the girl on the table next to me; 4 or 5 hours in a bikini having her entire side outlined whilst pervy men took photos of her and gawped. I suppose you have to expect it having something like that done at a convention though. My session was fairly easy, i honestly have no troubles with colour, it was also elbow work which i found quite pleasant!

The convention itself was good, it was well laid out and spacious which apparently isn't the case with the London convention. I just found it to be fairly cliquey and not as friendly as i'd been told before. I bought an incredibly gorgeous one off corset but besides that there weren't an abundance of clothing stalls really. Probably a good thing as i spent a LOT on absolutely nothing really.

Steve suffers with cystic fibrosis and had contracted a chest infecion which meant he didn't have the energy to trapse round a lot. So i saw the convention mainly, we didn't venture into town but i'll go back and do all that again when i have more money and in less cold months. I always go to Brighton when its cold!

We had Wagamamas on Sunday night, it seiously is my favourite place to eat these days. I had a Wagamama's lunch with friends off my course the other day and i think it's started off an obsession.

Now to photos... I didn't take many of the convention as i thought it was fairly intrusive and also distracting to the artists. I took a fair few of the scenery and cars etc and also lots of my actual session. My photography leaves a lot to be desired at the moment though, i'm still getting the hang of my new camera etc.

This was it at the 4.5 hour stage which was completed in previous sessions in the shop. I was about to sit down for another 2 hours at the convention.

Some shots of work in progress:

Shading of the rose petals.


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