Feb 27, 2005 19:23
My Vacation.<3
Tuesday: Last basketball game! we lost, oh well. Then Julia Maura Emily and Lc came bak to my house and we had one sexy sleepover: we watched euro trip! haha and the girl next door.<3 and yah we stayed up till 6 AM it was crazy!
Wed:Maura and Lc went home at 2 after we ate chocolate chip pankcakes.<333 And Julia Em and me hung out till 5 when they left and then i showed and went out!!
Thursday: My mom took my to Rocs to get my hair cut im not sure if i like it yet.. haha whatever, then i went to Marlborough High to watch Beth and Calis last game, and it was wicked weird Emily was there =) marlborough won!! yay, then my mom took me bak to my dads and me eric and my dad went out to eat yay funnnn!
Friday:I slept wicked late and kinda chilled all day then at night me and christi went to the olive garden.<33 yumm and steve and brandon met us there haha hmmm crazyness, then me and christi went bak to her house and went in the hott tub with Jp and called ppl muahahaha and then watched this old lady talk about sex on her show haha then i fell asleep.
Saturday: my dad picked me up early cuz christi had basketball and i got coffee from dunkin.<3 then went home....jsahdjasb then went to beths and we went to see a movie it was fun then i went bak to beths!!.<3
Sunday: Just kinda chilled, did a little bit of my english project. yuck.
Tomorrow: School ewww i gotta wake up at 530 Am...&*@^$# not lookin forward to that.
XxOo Comment.<33 tell me wat u did on ur vaca if u feel the need.