Jun 05, 2008 09:15
Evidently I am some sort of overlord or something?
Because I keep people locked in their bedrooms.
It is somewhat amusing though, talk about rediculous.
SO anyways....
I'm nervous about this meeting after school.
Steve's putting in his 2 weeks after the meeting at work tomorrow. : (
We shall miss you kid. lol. craziness.
I work with ang and Dj tonight, which I never work with ang and I worked wiht DJ once, everyone keeps talking about quitting but they still are here. lol make up your mind.
I'm also nervous about testing out of business math, because if I end up not passing I am going to be in school until mid september, ugh. I guess in the mean time I'd be able to work more though, which is cool.
I dunno. I shouldn't worry so much. I have a pretty good head on my shoulders, I think I can pass a pretty basic math class. lol.
Dalin needs to talk to leslie, if that crazy lady ever drops by when she's needed.
*all you need is love*