May 30, 2008 08:58
Ask me a question about each of the following:
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. Livejournal
No matter how rude, sexual, or confidential. Then post this in your journal and see what questions you get asked.
Can't wait to see some questions. Catch y'all later.
Love and Peace
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Comments 2
2. You have it, I don't. There's really nothing I want to know. LOL
3. What qualifies as your "theme song" (and I mean 1 song, I know how you are with your tunes lol)?
4. What illicit substances do you still partake in, so I can know whether or not to slap you upside the head? ^_^
5. Is there such a thing as "true" love, in your opinion?
6. What do you get from having a Livejournal?
2 lol
3 - ahhh 1 song....metallica nothing else matters, i love that song, though im not sure why
4 - I drink, I smoke siggarettes, and when i get all anxiety ridden i take ativan, though i don't do it to "get fucked up"
5 - I don't know. I am in love with dalin, but relationships take work, I think eveyrone can have that someone that reall y works well with them, but a lot of people don't realize that realitionships take work. I dunno. yes and no.
6 - currently nothing because my roommate seems to be wanting to have this lj war she keeps posting stuipid shit about me so I have to be vcery carefuil about what I write I made a new lj and added you though i haven't writting yet its needwithdrawals
yes ironic i know.
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