break it down NOW 191008

Oct 19, 2008 20:24

SA, rachel && kelly were invited by TB to a dance party that happened last night. hmm. . .a few words about the general population of TB's && FK's school
  • they grope
  • they grope
  • they grope
&& there was this guy that kelly and SA were checking out. he was good looking in the dance hall. he was not when you saw in the lights. oh dear. && he groped too. && most of them were younger than SA. whilst she enjoys and is flattered by nuna love [refer to SHINee - Nuna is so pretty (Replay)], it's wrong. almost pedoish. && everyone knows that pedoing is not sexy.

&& supposingly i looked very hot/sexy and danced like one would in a club. i had no idea that SA and the words sexy/ hot could even exist in one sentence. i am appalled. but all is not lost, SA did get to dance with TB a few times. && kelly and SA totally stole the show with our Wondergirls' S-curve moves. any highlights?

x  kelly: look at us. two hotties and a slut
    rachel: omg!! i shotgunn being the slut!!

x  *kelly && SA finally get to see "the guy" outside of the hall*
     kelly: IT WAS DARK INSIDE!! I SWEAR!!

x  random: heyyy. so... you have a name?
    SA: why would you want it?
    random: i think you're hot... how old are you?
    SA: don't even go there
    random: oh, being 14, i think i can manage. what, don't think i can afford you?
    SA: baby. i'm 16.
    random: O_________o
    [the true meaning of NUNA LOVE]

x  SA: i'm so sorry about this
    TB: huh?
    *SA S-curves against TB*
    TB: O__________________o
    everyone else: WHOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! THAT'S HOT
    SA: omg... i'm never doing that EVER again

x  SA: baby, your hands go here
    *replaces the random's hands on waist*

yeah. that's about it. that, and i'm in love with SHINee. they truly make me happy. which is more than i can ask for nowadays, really. oh, before i forget.



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