Jun 01, 2006 15:22
Holy macarel am I ecstatic! I SAW THE FIRST EPISODE OF LOST SEASON 2 LAST NIGHT!!! Man when I found out they were gonna air out.....sheesh. Total excitement dude. And next week they have the second episode of season 2 on! Ohhhhhhh, excitement. They're gonna air all of season 2 this summer so I'm gonna see it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So anywho, the first episode was okay, not the best, I mean, what's with Desmond? Still good though, I was into it. I don't like Sarah though, she's wrong for Jack, hah. He needs to get Kate lol. Yes I love those two.
Yeah, ecstactness here, I might update tomorrow with some icons.
It's hot out