Oct 24, 2004 09:08
a friend just emailed me and she made me realize that all this stuff im sayin an thinkin is rediculous...(ive tried hard 2 keep ur name out of all this but its not workin..srry) nd that matt is just bringin me down more and more everyday..she sed that im just 2 good of a person and that i have a great personality 2 b this upset..(that made me feel sooo unbelivavly good 2 kno that sum1 was there 4 me)sure i wont b the regula me on monday..but i will deff. try 2 b, cuz it is rediculous.....
so heres a shout out 2 u matt...
ok, im sick of it, ur critizing me, ur sayin im jealous cuz u talk 2 elisa...elisa..im jelous of her?!? pfh! anywaiiz, u have been so cruel 2 me and so ..just not u..i nvr thought i would have 2 agree wit u, but maybe we shudnt b friends, u've hurt me 2 much and made me react in ways that my friends dont like me anymore, so it is best that we dont talk..maybe evry now nd then but its too much that number1. u pretty much didnt evn like me 2 begin wit, nd number2. that ur sayin stuff about me nd then accusin me that im telling natalie nd caitlin 2 say shit bout u or 2 u...so im done with it..im not gunna b upset anymore...so yea..im still pretty pisased about it but at least im a better person 2 b nice enuff 2 tell u this nstead of behind my back, so u go on thinkin ur so kool, and knoin secrets bout rob (which by the way arent tru)and u can go on sayin stuff bout me, laffin at me wen i trip or anything..but im done with it....have a nice life biatch!!