Oct 10, 2007 05:44
I officially love my school
i walked into the lobby yesterday and i see it crowded up with posters and big shelves of all sorts of things... i wander around and it ended up being posters/pins/wall scrolls/shirts/bumper stickers/tour books ect of the most amazing old bands you can ever think of
from Prodigy to System of a down
from Old No Doubt to Nsync
from N.W.A to snoop dogg
dude, sooooooooooooooooo much shit there man.. i waisted my lunch money on two posters
(prodigy & system)
*so noel if you want my system poster on my wall, ill be more than glad to give it to you :J (CAUSE I GOTS ME A BETTER ONE :D) lolololol
but damn dude, tell me any school that randomly does that ! <333 soo much win dude <3.
in other news:
i love my art appreciation class :3
my photography classes are pretty amazing but the homework is getting a bit harder by the class. But i'm up for it :]
50 pictures due next tuesdayyyy -______-;
FUUCKK lololol
jesus christ its too fucking early -___-; (current time// 5:45 am) lol