OK - I can admit it. I need some help. I am NOT Superwoman after all....
I know I have all but virtually disappeared since moving to Texas. Here's why:
11-12-05 on my way (driving) to TX; Dad Dies at 6am.
11-25-05 SuperCUnt (aka Dad's 3rd wife) kicks me out w/no $$ and no where to go; her excuse is "this is how your Dad wouldn't wanted it"
12-05 - fighting non-stop with the poeple inthe house I DO live in, because of above and other issues, former employer screwed me out of last paycheck, NYS denies me unemployment. WORST Christmas EVER, followed by a NYE that sucked donkey nuts as well.
12-26-05 - SuperCunt kicks my sister out of my DAd's house as well.
1-16-06 I get a job that pays SHIT because Hurricane victims haev taken most available jobs.
1-27-06 SuperCunt decides she no longer wants the dog that SAVED MY FATHER'S LIFE and takes her for "a little ride"
2-8-06 I FIND Margo (dog mentioned aboved) and proceed to get in a physical fight w/SuperCunt to protect my dog.
4-6-06-4-10-06 SuperCunt tells me to take whatever I want/need of my DAd's stuff because its all going to the dump....then changes her mind and calls me a thief the same day HER daughter infgorms me that what they DONT SELL will be going to the dump.
4-14-06(GOOD FRIDAY) Informs me that my cats are no longer allowed to live in the SHed (my DAd's old workshop; dont worry its huge) because I suck as as an owner and should not be allowed to own animals because I am killing them; tells em that if the do not leave the house when I do that day - they are going to the pound and she will request I NOT be allowed to retrieve them.
4-17-06 (day after Easter)- go to the house to straighten up the shed and organize the stuff I have stored there - I am informed that I am no longer welcome in MY father's house and all the locks have been changed because I am a thief and have taken MANY things that dont belong to me, and I had no right to take. Also informed I am lazy, unorganized, a slob, stupid, rude, ungrateful...and many other such pleasantries.
4-22-06 - present SuperCunt and her offspring have somehow convinced people; including my own sister; that I am a drug addict and THAT is why I became a thief stole all that stuff from her.
All of THIS from the same good and moral person who had my Dad sign LOAN papers in HIS name while he was dying of a brain tumor and was not mentally competant; the same womanwho took out a life insurance policy on him WHILE he was in the hospital and LIED to my sisiter and I saying there wasn't a policy. The same woman who refuses to probate the estate. The same person who promised me:
~She would help me finacially when it came time to get an apartment and would even help me look for one
~I could move back into the house
~We could fix up the shed w/insulation and full electricity so that the cats would neither freeze to death or oveheat to death, and I could either live in the shed or they would convert a room
Thhis is the same good, decent, moral person who when shown the in the state of Texas, when a person does without a will, such as my Dad did - everything DOES NOT go to the spouse - told me that I was full of shit, she gets everything. And felt the need to tell me it is "ALL MINE NOW" at least once a day.
The above list is the bare basics of what has transpired withthis woman since I've gotten here. To give a full accounting of events I would have to write a book or find a way to scan my handwritten jopurnal for you all to read...
So, because of this woman and her antics - I have had to spend the money I had gotten out of my 401k. The money I had taken out to a) buy a condo and b)hire a lawyer.
YOu see, in the state of Texas according to PRobate law - My Sister and I are are ENTITLED by law to 1/3 each if not 1/2 of EVERYTHING that was in that house and in the banks. Including insurance policies.
http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/statutes/pb.toc.htm So, the help I need is financial. If you would like to help me - and have this woman get her just desserts, please click the link below.
That is the button to donate to my lawyer fund. IF the button doesn't work - the paypal email addy for this account is:
IF you would rather mail me a check, please email me for my address...I sincerely appreciate any and all help you all can give me. Even if it's only a dollar.. =)
Please note: Contributes to this fund are not tax deductible, but if you help me out - I will provide you with copies of my legal bills once I actually find an attorney....
Thank you.
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