A little Q&A

Apr 26, 2005 16:57

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your LJ.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others ask to be interviewed, give them five questions.

1)How many siblings, half-siblings and step-siblings do you have? (describe how each one is related to you, and feel free to give random comments)

Holy Jeebus! We had to go there... LOL Ok some background so you don’t get confused. Both of my parents have been married more than once. Mom is on #2; Dad is on #3. (and people wonder where some of my issues come from)
Anyway - on with the explanation...
Blood relations:
1)ONE full blood sister Melanie- she died when we were young
2)ONE half brother Will (same mother, 2nd marriage) whom I call “Beans” I love him to death. Not completely right in his head. He’s my favorite person.
3)ONE half sister Christine (same father) this one comes from my Dad’s 2nd marriage (it was the 2nd wife’s 2nd also - this info will be important soon) She is also fairly young. I love her mostly because she is kin; I don’t always like her, she has too much influence from her mother who is the Queen of Evil Cunts ™
4)ONE EVIL Step sister Nicole (from my Dad’s 2nd wife’s first marriage) She is an evil cunt bitch from hell. Just like her mother. I’m sure she’s proud. Unfortunately I still have to include her because the asshat uses my dad as a grandfather for her kids. I haven’t actually spoken to her in the better part of 10 years. She ranks as one of my LEAST favorite people.
5)ONE Step Sister Kristy (from Dad’s 3rd wife) who is a year or so younger than me. Don’t know her that well. Seems pretty nice, has a cute kid. If I still lived in TX, I’m sure we’d hang out.
6)TWO Step Brothers Dean & Brad (also from dad’s 3rd) Dean is a year or two older than me, Brad is about my brother Will’s age (give or take - I can’t remember) both fairly cool. Again with the not really knowing, since the 3rd wife (Betty & I DO adore her) is a fairly recent addition (5 or so years) & I don’t get to spend a whole lot of time in Texas...

2)What is your absolute favourite type of lingerie? (give details)

Ooo - in what context? For everyday wear under my regular clothes I’m a faithful Victoria’s Secret kind of girl. Mostly I like stuff to match & really haven’t found a bra I like better.

Now, if we are talking lingerie for sexual purposes…It actually depends a lot on the person I’m with. Why? Because I won’t wear the same lingerie outfits for more than one person. It’s just creepy & kinda icky. So, I always buy new stuff, mostly geared towards their turn-ons. Not very feminist, I know. But damn near everything turns me on and if you think about it - it only works in my benefit in the end, trust me *wink* Besides, I am a clothes horse. I love it all.
But MY favorite to wear is...rubber. I love rubber clothes/lingerie/etc. But…
No sense having a rubber cop outfit, if you have no one to wear it for. *sigh*

Did I even answer that question the way you wanted?

3) If you could choose your patron deities, would you still choose the same ones you have now? What gods might you like to check out who haven't yet made their presences known to you?

That is such a great question! Actually, I think I would choose the same ones. Some of them weren’t the ones I wanted originally anyway *shrug* But those were the ones that chose me, for better or worse. We seem to get along well enough mostly. (but we’ve had the ‘getting along’ discussion before) And after all this time, I know what works. It’s familiar.

As for deities that I’d like to check out? The Celtic & Egyptian deities are definitely of interest, always have been; more so since I’ve known you & N!
Other than that? Eventually I’d like to have at least a handful, of knowledge about every religion & its Gods; just because I’m an information whore.

4) If you could be on any reality TV show, what would it be and why? (if no show exists to your liking, feel free to make one up)

Ok. This one was rough. Especially given my all-consuming hatred of Reality TV. I wish I could find the FOAMY the squirrel rant about reality TV…But since I can’t find the link...(it’s on my home pc I think)

My made up reality TV show would consist of me being a host-type person insomuch as I gather up various TV executives, the ones that actually put this crap on TV, and run tests on them while I force them to watch nothing but the reality shows they have deemed viewable. *Enter my Mad Scientist alter ego*

Tests would include various skill and mental aptitude test to determine exactly HOW MUCH brain atrophy is achieved by watching endless hours of “The bachelor/ette” “Survivor” “Mad House” “The Surreal Life” “The Real World” (OK the FIRST one was good, that’s it) “That Stupid Donald Trump Show” “Fear Factor” “Who fucked a millionaire” and every other asinine reality TV show ever aired. These TV executives would be given IQ tests BEFORE and AFTER I tormented them with their own programming and various other mental tortures as I see fit. The one with the biggest drop in IQ points wins his life; because by that time my theory is he will be too damn stupid to do much else except appear on Jerry Springer. All others are put to death for inflicting brain rotting, stupid behavior encouraging on the viewing public. ( I am oddly reminded of the Mooby the Cow boardroom scene in Dogma)

Wow, that was a little rough, eh? =D

5) What is your absolute favourite book of all time? Tell about it. (If you can't possibly choose just one, pick one non-fiction and one fiction.)

OMG!! Aaaaack! My brain is frying This is almost an unfair question, if only because you have a vague understanding of exactly how many books I actually own. ;-)

Wow. One. Only one? But they’re all my favorite *cries*
OK, I’ll go with what first popped into my head last night when I saw this question. One fiction & one non, right?

THE DARK TOWER series by Stephen King. Fiction I know it’s not one book, but it is one story. Except for the first one, I really don’t think they can stand alone as books separate from the tale. King truly outdid himself. I read the last book in the series in just over 24 hours. Besides, other than LOTR it really is one of the best epics I’ve read. I have an early edition of War & Peace, but I’m afraid to take it out of the plastic. And DT was the first thing that came into my head. Immediately following DT came...
THE BIBLE -(began consolidation into one book in the year 325 by the Council of Nicaea) - and depending on who exactly you talk to it is BOTH fiction & non. And, I can see some startled faces in the crowd reading this. This is not one of my favorite books because I subscribe to the dogma inside of it. I know way more than I should about a book I don’t necessarily hold to be the ultimate truth. I can’t just swallow & accept certain things because someone said so. It is one of my favorite books because it ignites my inner research historian. I am constantly finding out new tidbits and factoids aboutthis book. To either prove or disprove its infaliability. And it helps me battle the evil that is subway preachers. *chuckles*

quiz, friends, meme

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