Nov 23, 2004 18:10
Another really long quiz but I'm bored. I'll try to take out a lot of questions.
Name: Alana
Nickname: Butter, Cookie, Muffin, Princess, Humper (notice a lot of fatty foods... I think they are trying to tell me something)
Current taste: Juice.
Current hair: Down for once =)
Current clothes: A towel.
Current annoyance: When people interupt me.
Current smell: The fire.
Current thing I ought to be doin: Sleeping... In Jasons bed.
Current windows open: AIM, Itunes, Msn and convos with Nathan, Graeme, Nad, Seth, Darnell, Ty, Jason, Jarrod and Andrew.
Current desktop picture: Leopard print =)
Current favorite band: Green Day.
Current crush: Jason.
Current favorite celeb: Jason Lee.
Current hate: Patrick.
=Do I=
Smoke?: No.
Do drugs?: No.
Have sex?: No.
Give oral sex?: Yes.
Receive oral sex?: Umm.. I do but I havent for a looong time.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yes.
Read the newspaper?: Never... I watch the news though.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes. (GSA =D )
Have a favorite candy?: Yes!!
Believe in astrology?: Yes.
Have an obsession?: Jason, spray candy, the comp and Sex.
Have a secret crush?: Other then Jason, Yes.
Do they know yet?: No.
=Love life=
First crush: Cody.
First kiss: Makenna
Ever been in love?:Mhmm.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yup.
Do you believe in "the one?": Yup.
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yes, It's called if I start my sentance again I have to take off a piece of clothing. I sucked.
Favorite place to be kissed?: Lips.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": Stupid question. Not by my parents.
Are you a tease?: Ahaha, Yes.
Shy to make the first move?: Very. I dont think I should be the one to do it though.
kill: No one.
get really wasted with: Jason... Hes funny when drunk.
look like: This chick at school.
be like: Ahaha Amy.
avoid: Almost everyone at the moment.
talked to: My mommy.
hugged: Graham.
instant messaged: Jase.
kissed: Ummm... Brianna.
eat: My room.
cry: The shower.
wish you were: Kelowna.
Dated one of your best friends? Yes. Adam.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Yup. Everyday.
Drank alcohol? Hahaha Yesterday with Dev.
Done drugs? Yup.
Run away from home? Yes.
Broken a bone? YES!
Kissed someone you didn't know? Actually no.
Been in a fight? Nope.
--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: Omg. BARK.. just cuz my mom listens to it.
Your bedroom like?: Huge mess of clothes ALL over the floor.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? Froot Loops.. Tyler knows where it's at ;)
What's on your bedside table?: Alarm clock, lava lamp, candy wrapers and my watch.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Kool-aid and apples.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Big Fish, oh and Fluke.
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: My lip goddamnit!
What is your biggest fear?: Lakes.
What feature are you most insecure about?: My feet.
Do you ever have to beg?: Yup.
Are you a pyromaniac?: Since Jason Klayborn died, no. (I love you).
Do you have too many love interests?: Yes, without a doubt.
Crushes? Vagina man.. deeply inlove.
Do you know anyone famous?: Yes.
Describe your bed: Green, 3 drawers on the bottom, waterbed, purple sheets, 10 pillows.
Do you know how to play poker?: I learned how to play Texas hold'em last night.
What do you carry with you at all times?: Watch.
How do you drive?: Well.
What do you miss most about being little?: My dollhouse.
Are you happy with your given name?: I dont like it, but I couldnt think of anything that could replace it.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: Billions.
What color is your bedroom?: BRIGHT GREEN with one purple wall.
Do you think you're cute?: Haha no.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: Threesome? =D