Jan 20, 2009 22:59
Got a new job as a face to face fundraiser or a chugger (charity-mugger)as we are oh so kindly named. I was really excited about starting.. however after a week and a bit on the job and 3 days on the street I have realized several things..
(a) it is not for me.. It will make me very angry, bitter and sad.
(b) 'chuggers' are bloody brilliant people, we dont have a script, i went for a full days training on save the children and was given notes to study and learn and then adapt my knowledge into my own "speil". Saying that It is not necessary to create a speil, you can judge what you are going to say based on what you have learned. So its not a "McJob". These are positive people, getting paid to do a worth while job. All fundraising costs money so why is it that people have such a problem with that money being spent to pay a fundraiser. If it got 40% of save the childrens donations last year its obviously effective.. and all funraising costs money. GAH.
(c) There are far to many ignorant people who simply ignore, shrug off & lie in order to avoid talking to a street fundraiser.. people say that they dont like being made to feel guilty.. there is a reason why you feel guilty! You have the money to give and you arent giving it. I was prepared to be ignored and insulted a bit.. but i wasnt prepared for the out right rudeness and ignorance. Mabey 1 in every 40 people will stop and listen to what you have to say.
Anyway... I have a huge level of respect for anyone who can stick in at a job like this. I sure as hell amn't cut out for it. Im happy and cheery and quite like it that way. So Im going to tell them im leaving on friday. When i am earning enough money i will give what i can to charity. Mabey that is a very hypocritcal sentence but i think it is quite reasonable seen as im 18 and will be a student come september.
Thats really the most interesting bit of whats been happening in my life.
Im bloody exhausted and have to leave the house at a horrific hour tommorow morning.