Sep 10, 2006 22:53
wow... someone wants to make Kayla Ianelli's life a living hell. Idk who did this, but it wasn't Kayla...
heyyy baaaaaabe...I just got back from my run wtih Sarah..we're pretty anerexic looking now and we um kind of take pictures of ourselves and then post them...on the internet...the default I have now is ESPECIALLY cute......well come on aim and talk to us...bc we want to talk about ourselves for a bit before we go out being whores again today...tomorrow we're going shopping at abercrombie to get tons more outfits to wear that make our boobs look even smalled than they already are...impossible I know, but we're going to try anyways...and then after the mall Sarah is going to be kind enough to take me to lessons on how to walk properly and not stick my ass and boobs people don't think I'm doing it to make them look bigger anymore....cause that just makes me want to bitch slap some wannabes....I mean I don't try to be a just kind of happens...especially when I hang out wtih MY BESTEST friend EVER!!....I'm really not a slut, I'm just a wanna be slut that doesn't get any..its sad really..but shhh nobody can know the truth..I'm not even so sure I even do....I wear those glasses some times to look smart, but I"m not so sure I pull it off...yeah but my ALL time favorite thing to do is go to gay parties at sarah's house and do shit with other girl's boyfriends bc I'm such a dirty hoe that I can't get my own boytoy...but that's ok bc I'm going to get my ass kicked someday anyways if I don't stop running my mouth and getting people that can kill me pissed off at me bc I'm seriously going to die soon and nobody would miss me...awww how sad
kk well ttyl love ya babe
for sure for sure call me tomorrow :-)