(no subject)

Dec 31, 2003 11:24

Update on Lavender's illness (like you REALLY care)
I should be coming out of the hospital wing before next Monday -keeps her fingers cross- Madam Pomfrey's getting rather concerned, my temperature isn't going down. If it stays like this until Monday, I might get transferred to St. Mungo's. EEK!

[[FIRST & MIDDLE NAME:]] Lavender
[[NICKNAMES:]] Lav, Lavvie, Hey you, shut up! Seamus calls me baby
[[HAIR COLOR:]] Brownish blonde
[[HAIR LENGTH:]] Shoulder length, I had it cut in the holidays
[[EYE COLOR:]] Brown
[[HEIGHT:]] Average
[[WEIGHT:]] Apparantly I'm underweight, but I don't really care
[[BIRTHDAY:]] February 5th
[[LOCATION:]] Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
[[SHOE SIZE:]] Size 5 ^^ Average
[[ZODIAC SIGN:]] Aquarius
[[SIBLINGS:]] I'm an only child
[[PETS:]] I -had- a rabbit named Binky. Professer Trelawny predicted his death


[[THINK YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE:]] I'm pretty average, I just kinda blend into the background
[[SHAVE:]] My legs, I prefer to use charms though
[[LIKE SITCOMS:]] What on earth is a sitcom??
[[THINK YOUR STYLE/FASHION IS COOL:]] Out of school I dress pretty okish. In school I wear a uniform
[[HAVE ANY PIERCINGS:]] I peirced my ears in front of the fire with Pavarti in second year
[[DO DRUGS:]] Our world's weird enough thankyou!
[[DRINK:]] Seamus and I discovered a bottle of Firewhisky in 4th year, needless to say we got a bit tipsy in the common room.
[[HAVE SEX:]] I'm saving my virginity until I'm a bit older


[[SMOKED:]] Nope
[[DRANK:]] Yep
[[GOTTEN DRUNK:]] Tipsy - Yes Completly off my face - No
[[WENT BUNJEE JUMPING:]] Whats that?
[[HAD A CRUSH ON A TEACHER:]] Lockhart... -sighs dreamily-
[[BROKE THE LAW:]] Underage drinking??
[[RAN FROM THE COPS:]] Are those muggle please-men?
[[LAUGHED:]] No, I've just sat around the past 16 years miserable
[[BEEN SARCASTIC:]] See the above question
[[CRIED:]] Of course!!
[[BEEN SCARED TO HALF DEATH:]] Yes, when Ron jumped out at me from behind that statue of Gregory The Smarmy!
[[STOLE ANYTHING:]] I stole Pavati's quill once
[[MADE YOURSELF THROW UP:]] That time when fred and george put something in my drink to test it on me. I made myself throw up then; I didn't want to be poisoned!
[[WENT SKINNY DIPPING:]] Possibly...
[[BEEN IN LOVE:]] Yes... -sighs dreamily-
[[SAID "I LOVE YOU" AND DID NOT MEAN IT:]] I don't lie! Much!
[[GOTTEN INTO A FIGHT WITH YOUR PET:]] NO! Binky was the best rabbit in the world!
[[HAD A DREAM ABOUT SOMETHING WIERD AND IT HAPPENED THE NEXT DAY:]] Oh yes! Trelawny told me I could be a true seer! Isn't that exciting!!
[[STALKED SOMEONE:]] I stalked that hot seventh year last year to find out where he hung out for padma
[[HAD A MUD BATH:]] I fell into a trench in herbology, that count?
[[WISHED YOU WERE THE OPPOSITE SEX:]] Once or twice when i get called a "Silly little girl"


[[BLUE:]] Bronze
[[SOCKS:]] Odd
[[MIRROR:]] 's often lie
[[CRACKER:]] Wizarding
[[COW:]] moo?
[[FRANCE:]] boulliabase (sp?) it was that stuff we had at the triwizard tournament, fish soup it tasted like. blergh.
[[ZINE:]] What what?
[[AOL:]] All Offers Lose?
[[JELLY:]] I had green jelly yesterday
[[FISH:]] Lake


[[WROTE YOU A NOTE:]] Pavarti, left me one saying "Get well soon!"
[[CALLED YOU:]] I got called an airhead twice this morning
[[KISSED YOU:]] Seamus -blush-
[[HUGGED YOU:]] Padma when I gave her hot seventh years hangouts
[[EMAILED YOU:]] I don't have an email address
[[WAS MEAN TO YOU:]] Dean was pretty mean earlier, he told me I was stealing Seamus from him. Do I sense something going on there. MUST TELL PAVARTI!!.
[[SAID SOMETHING NICE TO YOU:]] Seamus told me I was "looking better"
[[SAID THEY HATED YOU:]] Probably a slytherin

Seven things that scare you:

1. Rejection
2. Snape
3. Professor Moody's eye
4. Slytherins (no offence Blaise)
5. Jelly
6. The hospital wing -shudder-
7. Madam Pomfrey when brandishing a thermometer

Seven things you love:

1. My bed
2. Pavarti
3. Seamus
4. Divination
5. Harry and ron being twats in divination - "Can I have a look at Uranus too Lavender?" Honestly ron - think before opening your mouth!
6. Treacle Tart
7. Halloween

Seven things you hate:

1. Malfoy
2. People that call me an airhead
3. Being the best friend of possibly the cutest girl in the year (yes you Pavarti -sniffle-)
4. Threstrals - Plain creepy
5. Potions
6. That Ravenclaw boy that uses me to get close to Pavarti
7. Being ill

Seven things in your room:

1. My four poster bed
2. A shared warderobe with Pavarti
3. A bedside cabinet
4. Books
5. Seamus's scarf -snuggles-
6. A teddy bear
7. INcense - for divination

Seven random facts about you:

1. I'm actually incredibly shy
2. I'm skilled as a beater (golly that sounds big headed)
3. I snuck into the prefects bathroom once to have a bath when all the showers were being used
4. Divination is my favourite subjects
5. I steal Pavarti's quill when I can't be bothered to find mine
6. I often do homework at two in the morning
7. I faint at the sight of blood

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. Make a -true- prediction
2. Get a decent grade in Transfiguration ("Once again miss brown, You have succeeded in turning your mouse into a puddle of goo")
3. Come top of a class that has Hermione in it (I look up to you so much 'Mione!)
4. Become a healer
5. Teach divination at hogwarts
6. Poke a ministry member with a chopstick
7. Make McGonagall smile!

Seven things you can do:

1. Divination
2. I can sleep for England
3. Take my bra off without taking off my robes - Great party trick that one
4. Kiss pretty well
5. Hit a bludger all the way across a quidditch pitch
6. Climb into the boys dormis from the girls window
7. Gossip?

Seven Things You Can't Do:

1. I can't make a potion without creating a cloud of foul smelling smoke at least once
2. Not laugh when Ron and Harry are being idiots
3. Keep quiet in lessons
4. Pay attention in history of magic

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1. Seamus
2. Seamus
3. Seamus
4. Seamus
5. Seamus
6. Seamus
7. Seamus

Top Seven things you say/type the most:

1. eep?
2. ^^
3. Lol
4. O_O
5. -huggles-
6. -glomps-
7. ._.,,

1. When and how did we meet?
2. Have you ever seen me with my shirt off?
3. Have you ever seen me cry?
4. Describe me in four adjectives.
5. If we could spend a day together, what would we do?
6. Have we ever gotten in a fight?
7. If you could give me a present, what would it be?
8. Would you hug me?
9. What do you really think of me?
10. Have we ever snogged?
11. Has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to?
12. Wanna make out?
13. Name one thing you don't like about me:
14. When's my birthday?
15. How old am I?
16. What song would you dedicate to me?
17. Give me a new name; it would be?
18. What do you love about me?
19. What do you hate about me?
20. What is my best quality?
21. What is my worst quality?
22. Could I beat you up?

[1] I ________ Lavender.
[2] Lavender is ________.
[3] If I were alone in a room with Lavender , I would _____________________.
[4] I think Lavender should ______.
[5] Lavender needs __________
[6] Lavender will never __________
[7] Lavender can _______ my ______.
[8] I want to ________ Lavender.
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