New years Day!

Jan 01, 2006 20:17

Wow..this is going to be long so unless you have time, go away lol. I cannot believe 2005 ended. I'm relieved though. It kind of sucked to be perfectly honest. Now that 2006 is here, it's a perfect opportunity to start "anew". I'm debating on my resolutions. I think I have one or two:: to let lose and just not care what people think anymore. I know what you're thinking "how the hell can she get any crazier???"...well it's gonna happen lol. I didn't really care what people thought about me (how would I act like how I do if I did?), but there's always something in the back of everyone's non-caring mind that makes them feel like they want to change to suit how people want them to be. Well I'm gonna completely let go of that person in the back of my mind and just be more me than anything. Actually, those two resolutions go hand in hand don't they? Yessum. Lol. Oh and of course as any other person might (even though some don't need to), I'm gonna lose 15 pounds within the first 3 months. So that's 5 a month. That seems good right? Right. Anyways, my year started off great. I slept over Christina's house last night and we had a blast. My year started off with laughter and I made a new friend =). I have a feeling this year will be amazing. Oh, one more resolution: change my outlook on life. I'm gonna make light of bad days. This year will be awesome. Especially since by the end of this school year, I'll be off to RHS! Well I'm gonna go cause I'm excited//hyper.
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