Dec 25, 2009 01:46
It was only Christmas Eve, but it has been the best Christmas so far, even though it ended in a back-ache ;___; But t'was awesome!
My friend, Kiyo, picked me up in the morning to take me to Chinatown, where Kei and Jeff were gonna pick me up after they got off work. I bought Jeff's present fresh (custard pies) and got Kiyo a Santa cookie for driving me. =D Parking sucked. But we met up with Kei and Jeff, and Kiyo and I parted ways. =D
We drove back to the boys' house, and then insert the most awesome Christmas ever. <333 I love my hubby! He makes me feel so loveded. <3333 I'm glad he liked his present (we got an intense inside joke out of it xD) and I love all the presents he gave me! Best of all, LOVE LOVE LOVE YAY~!
I had two dinners tonight, so hurray for food~! <3
I love my family(ies) <3333
P.S. I'm awesome at sniping in MW2. (not really...but kinda) xDDD
P.S.S. I've been sick, so I've been taking Nyquil every night. It's kicking in right now. Good night. <3