Aug 09, 2005 17:10
Hmm yesturday-
Woke up really early for no reason at all , but oh well. All i did was lay around untill soccer came. DANG finally everyone showed up for soccer today thank god because we had to scrimmage these big ass girls that were like 7 feet tall lmfao & jen carter had this one really tall girl lmfao it was sweet though she did really goood im so proud of her :D & dang i missed her . But omfg i broke this girls gllasses when we were both going for the ball & yeah i felt bad but i never broke anyones glassses before so i was like dang i need to simmer down loll . Woooooh i felt like a bitch yesturday though i swore at some girl :x woooooooooooops buttt idk she freaking rammed me into the ground but oh welll im over it . But we scrimmaged these girls for like 2 hours literally ! But of they wonnn , because they got some pretty good shots on net but the score was 1-0 ahh well we did soooooooo goooooooood i was like damn were a pretty good team i think we will doo really good this season . OMg then the coaches started telling us ron was coming to watch us & i was like OH SHIT please dont come lol thank god he didn't he makes me nervous :P. But yeah im excited for our frist actually game together & were suppose to be scrimmaging some other teams later onnn tooo which im exciteed for also i think were suppose to verse a guy team but im not worried bout it well probably kkick ass :] . Then camee home at like 9 ish & showeredd thenn i ate some hamburgers & chilled here all night because i really didnt feel like going outt .
Today -
Woke up pretty late like 3 pm found out i have orienttation on the 26th though im excited to go to that & see everyone & meet new people :D . I really hope rob takes me because i dont feel like going with my dadd because all hes gonna do is embarsee mee & if rob dont take me i'll probably just ask my dad to drop me off. Hmm really didnt do anything today either im really sorre from last night , like i cant even move my neck its all stiff & my arms are about to falll offfff but my legs dont really hurt that much. We had no subs yesturday either & the little kids didnt playy so all of us played the whole timee so were probably all sore . But now im just waiting for my brother to get home from practice & hes friends house so i can take the car & drive me and mahh madre to wendys or taco belll / i havent quite chooosen yet . && he should be home any minute & then were stopping by family video later on too get movies & games and such because we have to return the ones we rented already so ill probably drive their also :D <33
But im leavinggg ...
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