leadership class sucks a pipi

Nov 07, 2007 10:07

this class is pretty interesting at times, but this Hillary Clinton shit is driving me crazy. i dont want to talk about her. i already wrote a paper on her....can we move on.

im in a good mood today, like so good i noticed. Dont know, obviously not a bad thing, i welcome good moods these days.

tonight will be a long night. senioritis has kicked in full force, i think even worse then all my years in high school. i dont wanna do anything i had senioritis since the frist day freshmen year in high school. lol. so this is pretty bad.

i have a critique tomorrow on my final piece for painting and i haven't even started. sigh.....gotta get to work. i don't even my idea set in stone.

But i know my self ill start with one thing, and a couple of erases/turpentine/gesso later, i end up with another completely different idea, but it ends up working in the end.

im not toooo worried. i just like sleep sometimes, i dont wanna have to be in the studio till 7am go get breakfast and then come back for class like last time. that just totally blows. Although being delirious for painting can work to your advantage at times....i.e. my self portrait lmao.

you think America is ready for a women president? sure why not, but there are alot of women out there, how bout we wait??? :: feminazilibs turn there heads toward me with an evil eye.....epp.

im soooo not paying attention to class. im waiting for him to just call on me and ask me some shit. so i can be like "ummm livejorunal?"

yay im outa here...totally waste of my time. great!
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