thuRsday was my sports award banquet it was funn... we held up our banner woooo it was cool... um our coaches gave us a patch for our soccer jackets and a little trophie its cute thats ended about 9:30 and then i came homee
fRiday was a longg ass day at school it felt like neevr ending ... at night time i went w/ meli jolee and becky to applebees and then picked stpeh up and then went to bubbas cuz he was havin a partyy and everyone was there me and jolee were booty dancing to country lmao dont ask me how but we found a way =) everyone went to charlies so after that we stopped at charlies and chilled there for awhile and then i came home...
satuRday... went driving w/ becky lol i didnt crash but john and andrew told me i suck lol we stopped at pams for a little and then just ate shit the rest of the day... at night time everyone was at ashleys soo we all went there... and hadddd lotsss of i was emotional like meelii hehe =) then me jolee and meli went to oscars and adams for a little and then to eat at dennys... once i got my food i couldnt eat it i felt too sick so that was cool and then we went to rogers for a ilttle and then back to ashleys...
sunDay... rach woke me up at 10 and i went to the rag shop w/ marcela rach lindsay and tara and now im home about to do my scrapbook so ya... and then off to school tomorrowww fun fun funn....
<333 jennyy
soccer banquet
stefii mari beck and mee
stefi mari and beck
stefi corni cuesta and me
corni coco me and popo
bobby rueda and cotii
me and jolee
smilee =)
me and melii
me and myy bRother
me and meli again
me beck jolee meli
beck and mee <33
beck and jolee
me and meli at applebees
me meli beck and jolee at applebees
me pam and melii