Oct 30, 2004 00:42
wave your hands in the air like you dont care..
today was alright.. except for some more embarrassing moments! man im so fucking accident prone.. kay so my brothers friend andrian who he calls "caca" drove me to school cause i missed the city bus.. AGAIN. yeah i know its getting old i always fucking miss the bus! i even set my clock five minutes forward so i wake up five minutes earlier than the real time and i still ALWAYS miss the goddamn bus! =[ yeah feel sorry for me whores. OH MY GAWDDDDD nikki had cotton candy in PE today. wtf. i was so jealous. but i ate a lot of it thank goodness =] when my sugar high ended i felt dead. it was awesome! eww i had a biology test today! i studied but i have a feeling i still did a horrible job.. especially on the essay/drawing part! anywho enough of about icky parts of my day! wait just kidding. another embarrassing part. today at lunch andrea stuck an ice cube IN MY PANTS. and it was stuck cause i had tight jeans on so one little section of my ass was frozen and wet like i had shit myself. yeah it was horrid. embarrassing moment number two: after spanish andrea steals my pink highlighter right? which is most DEFINITELY my favoritest color cause its the prettiest and looks like cotton candy so im chasing her outside trying to get it back right? and since im wearing sheas shoes from when me and nikki traded on wednesday and since theyre these weird black flips flops with these tiny wobbly heels that are difficult to walk in.. i TOTALLY slip and fall with my leg like pointing outward in the weird position with my hip popping out and my ass-bone hurting like no other! and to top it off all these people that i definitely didnt know laughed at me.. i was like wow.. negative attention yay! only not so much. hmm what else. oh yeah and then after school i was made fun of because apparantly armando saw me slip (and was most likely one of the people laughing! oh what a sweetheart..) and then fernando laughed too and was like "wow thats sad" and im like "yeah it WAS sad" cause it was definitely pathetic! but yeah. that was my third embarrassing moment because i was being REMINDED of a previous embarrassing moment. okay so then we go to coronado away game which kinda sucked.. it was just really gay even though we won.. and afterwards camila went home (taking my money with her unknowningly..) and then me and nikki went to dennys with kenan (sp?) and some jewish guy and some computer kid. and then he drove us home and yeah! oh and then camila got mad at me cause im a hypocrite. =[ yeah dude im definitely a horrible person. im always pissing people off. maybe i should just like.. not talk or say anything or do anything. then life would be awesomer than awesome! actually it wouldnt.. so fuck that ill do what i want bitches! alright uhh im bored im gonna go now. happy halloween whores.
love chrissy!
we dont have the time for psychological romance
PS .. embarrassing moment number four: tripping on the steps on the way to my apartment after being dropped off. hopefully no one witnessed it. =] k im done now BYE!