pertaining to urban myths

May 02, 2010 19:51

Suicide Mouse, in the end, wasn't scary at all, just totally weird. Unless I watched the wrong copy of the video; there's a few variations in circulation.

Candle Cove was actually just hilarious, I nearly pissed myself laughing. I dunno, something about puppets flailing to screams makes me giggle., however...

Yeah, sorry, I'm not going to sleep tonight. It's still perfectly light outside and I keep looking into my walk-in closet and my bathroom because they're a little darker. Paranoia is a bitch. I don't even know WHY I found it scary. SOMEONE PLEASE HOLD ME

White With Red Eyes was kind of an "oh snap" story though.

I guess I just can't deal with half of the shock-factor stuff.

this kind of shit deserves three new tags specifically for it

hold me dear i'm scared, oh shit son, weird shit, children of the corn, recite the rosary stat

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