Spring Break o5!

Mar 30, 2005 17:59

ok well its spring break and i havent updated latley!

friday.<* had to get up super early to help my daddy put in the sprinkler system.. no lie i worked all day.. untill dark. it was not fun at all! went out to eat with the fam. afterwards..

saturday .<* got up early again and helped with the system again! then i got ready and went to my guitar lesson! it was fun.. came home and helped with the system even more.. then my mommy took me to the mall and i got 120 dollars worth of clothes.. 2 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts, and one ring. i kno it seems like not a lot but its all from american eagle so.. yeah..

sunday .<* went to church.. there was a really good sermon and we are going to start going every sunday again. after we came home and i made an apple pie. went over to my cousins house after that. we ate dinner then we left and came home..

monday .<* first day it felt like spring break.. i actully got to sleep in till 10! it was great! then shelley invited me to spend the night with her at mindys *her sisters*. so i went over there and they were all dyin eggs.. lOl.. mackinze was so funny! then we went to walmart.. yall kno your not supposed to take pictures of the foot.. lOl.. mindy told me and shelley that cause we were going thru the store takin pictures.. went back to mindys and watched some tv

tuesday .<* woke up then we went to fly the kite we bought at dollar general at the park! it was fun.. got some cute pictures! went back to mindys.. then shelleys mom took us home.. then shelley came back here and spent the night..

today .<* me and shelley spent the day just lazin around the house! we went outside for awhile and taned.. then we came in and watched eurotrip.. bryn called.. then we went outside and played some pool.. came back inside.. then shelley had to leave and bryn called again right before that sayin they were home. now here i am.. yeah.. so i'll try to update again soon if anything exciting happens..

xX Lacy
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