Apr 03, 2005 18:13
Did anybody notice for 1 day that Brad's corner was there on the home page, and there was so many hate comments, and now the hawt goat is back? lol Lol davey is telling me about the boxen tournament, he won, and taylor made mike diaco cry, rofl Ellis shattered his hand on daveys huge head, i believe this. I have just gotten into all these bands related to Bam and HIM - CKY ect, but not really KY, more unpopular ones u may not have herd of, there pretty good, i think downloading music is a good way to find good groups as long as u only DL like 2-3 of their songs, but i try to buy their album if its any good, like Joe Satriani, he is a good new age guitarist, we need more of them, old school, to new school, just not baby ass cry babies music, lol