(no subject)

Feb 16, 2005 18:09

Somedays I deard going home after school, just because i never know what mood my mom is in.
So today day she made dinner and i really wasnt hugary, so i didnt eat.
Then she had a HUGE fit.
Sooo i decide to eat a little bit to shut her up.
But apperantly that still wasnt good enough for her.
So she was going on about how i should move out of her house because im old enough now.
I was like back up, dude im 16!!!
She went on about how im sooo out of control and how she wishes i was like a 'normal' teenager.
like one that dosent smoke and such.
Well newsflash A LOT of teens smoke MOM! GOD!
The she proceeds to tell me how much of a slut i am, and how im gonna end up knocked up living on the streeets with a fucked up baby cuz i drank while i was pregnant!
Like where the fuck would she get that! AHHH
This weekend im supose to be going to my dads aswell and she knows we dont hv a good relationship me and my dad. But i told her i wasnt going because i had plans. She plainly said that she dosent want to see my face if she dosnt have to. So on friday shes taking my key and shes not letting me in my house untill sunday at 6pm. so i guess sam im sleeping at ur house for the weekend, little buddy.
So after our argument she said she was leaving for a few hours and she suspects im NOT going to be home when she walks in the door EVER AGAIN!
she always says this but she usually drags me out of the house, but always lets me back in a few hours or a day later.
BUT i decided FUCK THAT, im sitting in HER HOUSE untill she fucking grabs me and kicks me out.
So u know what, whatever, she can be a dick all she wants, even if i did fuck all to piss her off.
I really cant stand all of this bullshit anymore, god donti sound like a typical teen, but i really cant. IM SERIOUS!
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