Feb 28, 2006 00:29
ohkay... i really need to turn my phone like off at night when i go to bed lol. meh o well... so0o im all like..bored n stuff now. hehe today in drama class...ms.moriana was showing us examples of childrens books we can use for our assignment presentation thingy and in this one book...there was this insult and it was "yeah!? well your mom wears combat boots!" i think i almost died cos i coudlnt stop laughing lmao. hmm wat else... OH... so i have an appointment to write my evaluation test thingy on thursday march 9th at humber college for their journalism program... im kinda nervous already. annnd today i got my grad pics done, i got 10 shots taken....annd i dont like any of them *shrugs* MY DAMN CURLING IRON BROKE WHEN I WAS TRYING TO DO MY HAIR!! i was so mad... but i was like w/e. lol. AWH .. i just came across this --->
**Every girl wants a man, that she can go to in her sweats, hair a mess, make-up running down her face, eyes red from crying, and the first thing he says to her is "baby, your b e a u t i f u l" and means it!*** awh... lol thats so cute...agree? well i've got my man whos like that =) *butterflies* so i think im doing okay in chemistry now...theres a test next week so we'll see how that goes... hmm math?...im still kinda confused...and theres a test on weds...eeeeekk... ok well my comp is doin some funky messed up shit. so i better go... ttyl...ciao!
Chiquetta xoxo