intersting day!

Apr 21, 2006 00:13

ahh hail to the green eyeshadow, green eyeliner, red lips stick and black nail polish again in drama class [lol chick] ...and sittng in the boxes! BOX SEX! lol. goodness.

anywho so today was interesting, all through lunch, every other sentance that came out of jens mouth was "skinnylittlebitch" lmao. and i recorded her saying it to. cos she says "bitch" funny like i do lol.

and then there was drama class.. need i say more? its DRAMA CLASS! DUH

so then after skewl, me lauren sammie and others walked to my area, and then the others left, and then lauren left, and sammie and i went to go hang out with my family, cos they were all hanging out back of my building.. theyre nutts lol..sammie saw that today. but thats why i love them! lol. and then we hung out around here n all that fun stuff..and spent like 2 hours cleaning out the dust in my computer..WITH Q-TIPS! whohoo lol. god bless the q-tips. made life so much easier.

uhmm..ok well im ignoring ppl on msn now.. so im gonna go.. ill write later.
[[Chiquetta]] xoxo
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