sooo... back at school!

Sep 05, 2008 07:13

dude, i'm back at school... and i'm a senior.

yes, i've finally reached senior-dom.  and even though that prospect hovers excitingly, it still feels a little daunting.  little freshmen and just... the underclassmen in general are going to be looking to me and the rest of my class to lead them this year, to make this year a blast (like it should be).  and although i know we're going to Walk In with a huge bang and it's going to be amazing, i'm strangely afraid of failing them.

i've never felt much obligation to people younger than me - well.  then again, that's pretty much a lie.  i do care, and i love watching over the younger children (primary school!  adorable.), but i've never felt obligation to make their school year something to remember, or to make it more than 'just another school year'.  it's our turn to come in and leave with a big bang, but the idea of failing has never been so prominent.

hopefully, we can make a success of it, but it's still too early to tell.  then again, everything lies on the Walk In.  if we don't make an awesome impression, i don't know if we can pick up the performance in the future.

so.  i'm off to dress up (and look awesomez) for the Walk In.  we've been waiting for this for three years.  wish us luck!
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