Jul 21, 2005 20:14
lots too tell.
went too sailing today. sailed in teh morning and afternoon. seeing it was the last day of sailing we decided that we should tip our boat.
of course something went wrong. i cut open my legg on something in the water, but i hadnt noticed untill we got into the boat and tori yelled out "oh my god look at your leg"!
it was a big cut, more then half an inch deap and there was alot of blood and you could see guts and stuff. it was pretty sick. well i yelled for the instrustor too come and pick me up and take me too teh life guard. so we went and i ended up going to the hospital and getting stitches. then too put the incing on the cake, i had to get a tetnis shot, which hurt more then the stiches. so all in all it was a pretty eventful day : ) it was my first time getting stitches soo it was scary : (