Apr 03, 2005 21:21
alright let me break it all dowwn...
friday night:
went to ballet late and come to find out maria waso ut and we had tami instead, what a shocker
went to pointe [kinda in the same room] and completed a beautiful double again!! yay!
went home real quick to wash up, then had to rush over to my memeres house for our double celebrated birthday parties
had yummy cake my mom made, and open the lovley gifts my family was nice enough to give
i got loads of money and two cd's to was totally hott kiddies!
went home and slept forever
saturday went shopping all day with my other grandmother and she gave my 60 bucks for my birthday, which is TOMORROW!!!!
i bought: the killers cd, three shirts, pants, some sour jolly rancher candy, and i think that was it...i cant remember....
then today, i slept really late so i ddint have to go to church, ehh, and then saw LINDSAY KOZLOWSKI MY LOVE at MB!!!!
out kiddies