Apr 10, 2005 01:44
today was really fun.
well around 6:3o i went to taylors <3 and we hung out. we walked to laportas and went to dashs. we were going to buy gummy worms but the lines were too long... AIGJLKJ. then i remembered how fun the dashs game was, and i was telling taylor about it, so we called amanda because we thought she was at sarah's and wanted them to meet up. we went home online and then we talked to amanda and sar and they were like "we're going to come over and ding dong ditch you", so taylor and i were like , "lets scare them". so we hid in taylors backyard until we heard them coming up. taylor and i were so SLY ♥ we scared the shit out of them, it was so fucking funny! then we went inside and started becoming up to no good! [HaHA] then we decided to meet up with jenna measer! [pre-k bud-haha] and we met up with this thing named Harry... haha. we took some pics with him and had our own fun! good times, guys. haha, posing for the cars walking by! lmao. then we went to sarahs house and talked online for a little while. hahah :
"if you're wearing a yamaca,
your menorah is lit
and theres matza in your mouth
you've got money in your pocket"
hahah so funny.
then we went to jennas because we all decided to have an s/o and we needed our things so we walked to jennas. HAHA, on the way there we thought we'd be sweet if we dragged jenna around in taylor's barbie tube. we all carried her and dropped her. we thought we'd be sweeter if we tossed it in the neighbors tree. i had many lassoing attempts, but it ended up jenna going on taylors shoulders and getting it up there.
we walked to jennas and we went in her room [i remember it from pre-k bday partays] and she HAD to pull out her preschool pic thing, and there am i, short banged bob, doyle wearing bugary nosed frowned kid. OMFG, i was an eye sore! thanks taylor, i love it when you remind me of my awkward stages ♥ haha, i forgive you.
we came home, and then we talked online, and taylor and i tried pranking the others by going on an sn on a diff comp upstairs, but it did't work. oh well.
then we came in the basement and they're being gay gamers so i am stuck talking online to my sister online [no ones really on at 2 am, pathetic i know] and i painted my nails with some bottled shit i found in taylors stuff. And, of course listening to hott and sexay my american heart. they're the best//one of..
i am updating now and listening to sexay my american heart.
i love taylor amanda sarah and jenna.
they are sweet mother fuckers.
good times girls.