May 18, 2005 07:59
I heard those same words..over and over n over again...i love you i love you i love you, but do you really? or do you say it for fun, as some type of show? is it an act for the world to watch and everyone knows but me? you say that you love me...but do you even know ME. do you know who i am? its said from tow voices and from each voice i find a different meaning...a different feeling that is given with those three words. both sides have that great feeling in different ways but they both still have that mysterious sense to them that you are never sure what you are getting. what will happen next? from the two voices the same three words and from your one voice come those same words...what when does it come from the place that matters most...your heart. when are those words spoken not from your voice but your heart? and when is the same said to you? where should you go from here. stay where you the middle and so uncomfortable and confusing...or give up what might be and stay where you are familiar? or the one that takes the most courage and the most self confidence give what you know and love and go for what seams great and unknow...take that adventure and enjoy every minute of it so when does those three words mean something from you heart and when can you tell if they are said to you with true love and care?