May 11, 2005 18:24
hello has been a looong 3 days!
monday-school :/ n @ lunch there was a fight between ***** and ****** it was funnay!!! lmao! then after school i had a softball game vs. st. clement! n we kicked there asses!! hell yeaa
tuseday-was pretty much like monday except i had softball practcie instead of a game n i got hit soo many fuckin times..once in the shin once in the knee once in the ankle and yea i was hurttin but i had a good practcie besides that
wednesday-school:/ losts of shit happened 2day but i dont feel like tellin u people:) n thank the lord i had not softball practcie! then i went over celia's!!! that was bunches of fun! :) lol "y r there soo many people comin 2 my house!!!!" lol the guy in the pink shirt is cool! lol well im gonna go now! thx 4 lettin put MY day in your lj! luv ya bunches!!
<3 always..