Sep 13, 2004 11:12
Well this weekend was uneventful... ha. Went to Coreys every day, on Friday me and Corey were arguing about music, being the somewhat toubled rap listener that he is, well hes alright, he likes Linkin Park and Shinedown- 45. But still it was an irrelevant argument and i apologized. Last night I got a bad feeling that Greg was upset and I tried to call him, answering machiene. Then I was sad and needed someone to talk to so i called Corey and he talked to me till like a little past 12. I found out when I worked yday from 12-4 that I work a shitload this week. Sucks. Oh well, its a paycheck... a job. Its fucking with my social life however. Like, I cant do anything Friday. Ah whatever. Saturday will rock!
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