Title: Why he never Drinks
Genre: Smut, Crack
Rating: NC-17
Waring: Sex toy(again) Food sex(again)
Donghae's side
Herebeta by
hitsugaya15 and
inuvampy Addicate to
inuvampy since I got this when she show me this
I'm sorry Hyukkie, but I'm really hungry now. )
Dear how could they get over that morning? LOL When Hae is drunk with his Hyukjae he cant pay attention to anything but the mess they made that night would be one of the biggest mistake in their life, they'll get killed by others hahaha
Heechul-hyung will angrily throw them out of their dorm LOL
Appa's words made me ROFL
Teukie-hyung LOL
Fail! Yesung hahaha
I cant stop laughing at Wonnie's reaction, i'm sure that he'll never let them near this precious Bible anymore xDDD
I want porn from Wookie's camera *DROOL* I WANT HAEHYUK'S PORN i wanna see Hyukjae's face at that time
I ♥ you ~ *i'll send a pm to you this afternoon :D*
XDDD I'm so glad you laughed at it!!!
and LOLLL Yeah the other would want to kill them so much XDDD
XDDDDD They are so brave to make Kangin Heechul Leetuck and KYuhyun Angry at the same time XDDD
LOLLLL yeah Wonnie would kept his bible with him from now on and Woonie's camera would be stolen by some Fangirllike us soon LOLLLLL
I got it dear<333 Thank you so much!!!!<3333
I love you tooo!!!!!!
I can imagine how Appa, Heechul-hyung & Teukie-hyung get angry, but i wonder how baby is angry LOL Baby ~
I dreamed of Wonnie yesterday and saw him holding his Bible ROFL and i did something to him but i cant say cos it's so embarrassed and that camera will definitely be stolen by us KYA ~~~~~~
I love you *kiss*
Oh My!! I wonder what's your dream was about!!! XDDDDDD
*kiss back*
*blushed* It's too embarrassed for me to talk abt it in public though i think it's normal to everyone *hide my face* I'll talk in a PM *run*
LOLLL I'll wait for it then<3333
here, here (<- smut can be found there xDDD, i swear bb writes smut very well *drool*), here & here (f-locked)
I'm so blushed *like Hyukjae xD*
Awww Thank you so much<333333
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