Title: Happy Bubble Time pairing: haehyuk rating:R-17 gerne: SMUT, humor beta by Soketsu THANKS MY LOVE<3 Request fic for fishydotlove told me an idea about Hae getting jealous about eunmin then I remember
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OMGOMGOMG you broke my poor brain! (not that im complainingXDD) You made this so good so hot ><><~~ THANK YOUU SOOOO MUCH BB<3333 im not a fan of eunmin, so this is really make my day!!
and the mirror OMGO.o!! hyukkie's orgasm face is RAPE! im still blushing and grinning here LOL
*cling on you*
Yaay *hugs you*
OMGOMGOMG you broke my poor brain! (not that im complainingXDD)
You made this so good so hot ><><~~ THANK YOUU SOOOO MUCH BB<3333
im not a fan of eunmin, so this is really make my day!!
and the mirror OMGO.o!! hyukkie's orgasm face is RAPE!
im still blushing and grinning here LOL
~ILU so much for this~
Im also not fan of eunmin too...XDDDDD
they just look so lesbian XDDDDDDDDDD
*hug you so tight*
I was trying my best and Im glad you found it hot and enjoyed it!!
Bwahahahahahh! btw, no wonder Hae loves to rape him so muchXD hyukkie's face in the mirrorXDDDDDDDDD PURE LOVE!
yaaay, you love me too LOL *gives cookies to kangin and heechul*;D
at least it should have been Sihyuk or YeHyuk, I don't know XDDDD
I would be nosebleed to dead to see Hyukjae's face like that XDDDD
Hey!I want cookie too!!;0;
me too, who wouldnt anyway?XDD
dont know how Hae manages *bows to him* XDDD
ooopsX3, here's some *gives you hyukkie shaped cookies*
Yay Hae is just GOD *bows too*
YEAHHHHHH!!*quickly eat it before Hae come to find it*
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