jummy is a bi*ch!

Jul 16, 2005 05:00

omg. this girl trys to start stuff with danielle. and omfg. she needs to get her butt kicked.

cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: Heyy! i got your invite...im up for it...whens a good time for u to get your ass kicked?
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: heyy bitch....u offer it now lets proove it.....lets cut the pussy act and stop ignorewing me and settle this now
ddddduj8: who is this? stop i-ming me
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: who do u think it is........its who youve been blockin and offered an invite for me to come to your place and supposedly get my ass kicked....lmao...more the other way around id say
ddddduj8: y dont u stop acting like a baby and get over it
ddddduj8: if i knew u were this big of a bitch i would hav never talked 2 u in the first place
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: damn...i wish u had of known...woulda saved me alotta shit
ddddduj8: ur little friend just proves it
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: i didnt tell her anything...i didnt tell her to i/m u
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: she decided on her own
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: cuz thats what friends do...not that u wud kno what thats like
ddddduj8: ur just a lost cause man i seriously feel sorry 4 u?
ddddduj8: then how did she get my s/n dumbass wat? a little bird gave it 2 her
ddddduj8: seriously my mom doesnt even like u
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: umm no....she goes on my sn and she saw it
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: do i care what your mom thinks?
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: no
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: wait...WTF...u cant handle your own battles...gotta go cryin to mommy bout em
ddddduj8: so get over it leave me alone and ill leavve u alone cus this is juast stupid y am i even talking 2 u?
ddddduj8: no u can talk 2 her right now shes next 2 me
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: lmao hey ms.aremu
ddddduj8: i just jokin idiot
ddddduj8: so get over it i hope u hav a horible life!
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: oh i will....and ill luv ever second
ddddduj8: screw u and goodbye hon!
ddddduj8: wats left of it lol
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: stop callin me him u lasbo
cRaZyLiLsHyT5691: hon*
ddddduj8 signed off at 5:53:40 PM.
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