"i'm not hairy." "dude, you look like a fucking chimpanzee..."

Jul 05, 2009 20:14

with the end of school and the beginning of summer there comes the opportunity for ample amounts of free time. i'm not particularly used to free time considering the education program has pretty much robbed me of that over the last two years. well, with this sudden free time we have taken it upon ourselves to do anything but spend it at home on the weekends.

the first weekend in may was joni and joey's wedding. yes, joey got married. yes, i'm surprised as well. we made our way to middle of nowhere north georgia a.k.a. lakemont, georgia. despite the rain it was a beautiful and simple wedding. we took shots behind the car before the wedding and even decided it was a good idea to spike our glasses of lemonade with tequila. leave it to us to make a child's drink as simple as lemonade into an adult beverage. afterward we enjoyed our lake front view from our fancy chalet. a few more drinks were downed and then we made our way down the street to the other cabin filled with friends from the past. drunk before seven can never lead to anything good. i'm pretty sure more than one person puked, more than one object was broken, more than one dance party took place, and more than one impromptu sing-a-long took place. joni are joey still stand as my favorite couple of all time.

the next weekend was spent in charleston, sc for the much awaited kings of leon concert. i swear every time i travel out of town these days it ends up involving some sort of bad weather. charleston seems to be fond of two things - crazy, abrupt exits that make you feel like you're on a rollercoaster about to shoot out the side and parking lots nine billion and four miles away from where you want to be. as a result, we were all soaked before we got into the venue. by the time we got inside i looked as though i had just decided to take an evening dip in the non-existent pool outside. the concert was awesome despite every other person around us smoking out. "do you guys burn??" charleston is full of polo shirt wearing frat dude stoners. i think i'll stick to atlanta.

a week or so later we took it upon ourselves to go visit lane in kentucky at the fort campbell army base. army base = ample amounts of dudes in every corner possible. we made it there in record time - 4 hours and 15 minutes. lane seems to think it takes over five hours but somehow speedy gonzales a.k.a. elizabeth got us there in no time. i drank about six dr. peppers on the way there so i was a little amped by the time we arrived. "i'm going to have to scrape you off the ceiling by the time we get there.." we enjoyed tasty margaritas upon arrival and the oddest mix of conversation. listening to lane and milf talk to each other is like listening to two separate conversations. i've also never heard someone talk faster than myself. afterward i had to waste 1 hr and 40 minutes of my life watching the ghosts of girlfriends past. luckily i received a military discount otherwise i don't know if i would have been able to splurge ten dollars on that movie. the next day was spent eating breakfast at cracker barrel while watching milf down six glasses of chocolate milk also while eating pancakes as if they were mini sandwiches. we then unsuccessfully looked for a hotel in nashville that wasn't fully booked (thanks elton john). after twenty minutes of frustration we decided to just make our way back to fort campbell and brave the alien infested bars there. one bar had me discard my ibuprofen because they were afraid i was hiding drugs in the bottle. i managed to puke twice in a very unfamiliar bar bathroom. that is the first and hopefully only time i ever vomit in a public restroom. apparently being drunk before seven comes with its consequences. on this night i also decided it was appropriate to wrestle an army dude. needless to say, i lost. as i mentioned before, being drunk before seven offers it's many consequences....
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