Aug 06, 2008 00:52
it's strange how a few years added to your life can change how you perceive yourself & the world around you. my exboss's 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer last summer. i was wondering how you would tell someone that young about the magnitude of what was going on inside them. or how does the little girl perceive the things that are happening to her. it's interesting to see how each person evolves over time. as a child you can't comprehend death, natural disasters, heartbreak, or life in general. children are always looking to rush time or push forward. many people then spend their entire adulthood trying to somehow escape their reality. over the past couple of years i've really come to terms with the concept of time. my grandmother's death this past new year's eve really lifted the blindfold from my eyes. it's silly but i always liked to think of things lasting forever. these days i can barely count the hours before it's time to go to sleep again. death is a topic of discussion i find fascinating but frightening. as a kid i used to worry everyday that we'd "run out" of trees & therefore no longer have oxygen. every time i saw a tree being cut down i became terrified. i figured by the time a new tree was planted it would be too late. this was my thought process. obviously i was a bit of a worrier.