Jul 16, 2005 23:02
Ok so this summer i have not done all that much. my trip to reno was so much fun, wesley and i had a wonderful time. apart from that he and i have been spending alot of time together which has been good for the most part. people keep telling me that i am a work-a-holic but i just say i am dedicated to my job even if it does truely suck ass. I finally got to see heather this week. its been such a long time...geez. she surprised me by coming down on thursday to say hi and ended up staying the whole weekend.
okay, so i havent seen alot of movies this summer but the ones i have seen have beed really good.
First off, Land of the Dead was really good for being a zombie movie. it wasnt exactly what i had expected but it was still good. i got frightened a couple times when the zombies popped out of nowhere but yea, thats jsut me being the easily frightened and jumpy person i am.
Next movie I saw was Fantastic 4. this movie was awesome!! the graphocs could have been a little bit better but overall it was so good. the story line was pretty much perfect and the people who filled the parts did a wonderful job. I really liked this movie, not only because it followed the original so well but it leaves you with the knowldege that there will most likely be more to come.
Third movie i saw was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. omg this movie was awesome. i didnt quie like it as much as the original movie but it was still good. i love the whole willy wonka series of books. the movie was somewhat short on the story and skipped alot but still i liked it alot. and Jonny Depp is hot...hehe..
So last night Heather, Wes and i went and saw Wedding Crashers. Man this movie was more then just awesome it was sooooooo funny. they coulnt have gotten any better people to play the roles as what they did. although there was alot of boobies in the movie i really liked it. i think it was the funniest movie i have actualy seen in quite a while.
Heather... "Hes a homo and paints homo things"...haha..."Asshole"
So yea. not quite sure what i am doing for my 18th birthday yet even though it is in like 2 weeks. i think just a group of us are going to magic mtn. i was going to have a huge house party but then i realized that it would cause way too much shit and just end up turning out bad cause there are too many immature people i know that just like to cause drama...ya know. so yea, no more big party for me..
Comic-Con is this weekend. i had never been before but i went toda and i am going tomorrow. its amazing how many people are there. geez i hate big crowds. i hate being pushed around by people i know, let alone people i dont know. although i got bored after being there for like 4 hours i still had a good time and i will prolly end up buying some more stuff tomorrow. oh today i bought a Grumpy stuffed animal. hes cute and i was told that he fits my personality...lol.
okies well i am bored of writing and really tired so i am off to bed...love ya all...byes