i have a horrible migraine right now
i'm pretty sure if i don't go to sleep my head is going to implode
i'm dying my hair this week
and it's going to be dark, dark brown
like, 3 shades darker than what i have now
with "highlights" that are like, half a shade lighter than the dark, dark brown
so they really won't be highlights at all
and i'm gonna take about an inch off
but try to keep most of my layers
kay? good.
keep that in mind.
it is essential to your well-being
p.s. i quit the computer this week.
well, for the most part
ESS owns you
so.. i only got kick. i sort of forgot about life during jazz lol
they did amazing
we've got the hottest d-line in minnesota
and the best d-line super fans
so what now
these are my new sunglasses
they're coming to the bahamas with me
and you're not