read this, i DARE you

Jan 21, 2006 00:15


so, how stupid is drinking in the first place?
i mean, i'm sorry
but how fuckin lame can you get?
so, how lame is drinking before sweetheart?
i just have to vent
because i think that's such a fucking waste of time, a waste of EFFORT, a fucking waste of money, for god's sake
not to mention absolutely pathetic
if that's what you have to do to have fun
if your date isn't enough
if your friends aren't enough
if the setting isn't enough
then that's pathetic
i guess i wasn't ever really sure why i didn't drink, or smoke weed or whatever
but i just didn't
i didn't need to, so why do it?
and people our age, they need to do it
otherwise they wouldn't!! plain and simple!!!
like, how fucking lame is that?
some people need to drink or smoke weed, in order to enjoy life
i mean, sure
let em feed you all the 'i don't have to i just want to' or 'it's just more fun' or 'there's nothing else to do' or 'it's only sometimes' lines
maybe they'll fall for that, but it's all a bunch of fucking shit

i guess, watching my uncle die
watching his life deteriorate
and his not having a choice
made me understand why i never did any of that shit
it got so fucking bad
that he couldnt even smile
who deserves that?
no one.
that's fucking who.
he couldn't even smile.
he couldn't even tell his family he loved them.
that's how bad it was.
that's how it was.
and i watched.
i watched him struggle.
struggle to eat his own birthday cake.
he couldn't even do it.
he couldn't even laugh, or smile.
and i had to see.
do you know how fucking hard that is???
do you know??
to not have a choice
it just made me see
that you have to respect life
and to see everything that's so amazing
but if you have to get high or trashed in order to enjoy it
then i feel bad for you
because that's absolutely pathetic
what a waste
you're just a fucking waste

have more respect for god's sake
for you
for the people that have to put up with your fucking stupid ass
and for life
i mean, i can respect your decision to do it
that's why i won't say this to anyone directly
but i can't ever understand it

and i don't care what you tell me
that you don't have to
that you're not addicted
that it's just because
i don't care
you and i both know that's fucking shit
and if you didn't have to
you wouldn't
plain and fucking simple

i'm sorry.
i just had to.
it makes me so angry.
so fucking angry.
because he didn't have a choice.
but some people do.
and they waste it
they just fucking waste it.
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