I'm going to die from exhaustion, from over reading + over analyzing political theories soon.
- Comparative Politics in 2 hours (Comparative Politics = doom).
- Huntington and Carothers = O_O
- At least I can understand Huntington now. Haha.
- Hi 166 long test #2 in 12 hours.
- Flash fic update tomorrow about my beloved f(x). Something unexpected happened yesterday to make up for all the WTFness of my life this week.
- Jopay sent me flowers, a bear and chocolates!!! More on that tomorrow.
- Visit to Wowowee tomorrow. HAHAHAHA. :)) SASALI AKO SA BIGATIN. I NEED 5,000 PESOS!!
- Picture update on Multiply tomorrow.
- Incubus rant tomorrow. I have tickets BTW. Sucky Upper Box A tickets but FTW, at least I'm sure that I'm going. I'll have them exchanged if someone will sell Patron or Lower Box tickets.
- Issue paper memo making tomorrow.
When will this stop?
I want to sleep already.
I want to shift. I want to shift. I want to shift. To hell with Democracy and all its variants. O___O
Big Sister loves you very very much *hugs*