D is for...

May 18, 2009 10:22

Dreams and Drama!

People in our common room have been having wierd dreams lately. My friend Wold has dreams that someone's standing over her bed, watching her. I had a dream the day on Saturday night that I was in the history department and a guy was following me and then my friend Sophie appereared and squirted me with whipped cream. And then a couple of weeks ago I had a dream that I lived in the 1930s in a little village and there was a gypsy settlement just down the road and there was a really hot gypsy guy working as a postman and he was really cute and all my friends and I loved him cause he was really nice, but all the adults were all "no he's a gypsy!" And then someone got killed by an envelope of poisonous gas being posted through their door, so obviously he got the blame because he was the postman and, shock-horror, a gypsy. So then me and one of my friends, Corkie, arranged to meet him under a bridge and try to help him, but we were just about to start talking when my little cousin showed up and told us to run because my uncle was coming and he was really mad. So we ran away and I hid under a sheet and the my uncle and aunt found me and started shouting at me, and then I woke up. I was gutted, cause I wanted to know what happened!

There's been LOADS of drama at school lately. Not only is there the head-of-school drive going on, but teachers ar being bad too. One of my psychology teachers, Doccy D (he's also my football coach, he makes sport fun) has been fired apparantly because of the credit crunch, but blatantly because the school's too bloody conservative for his little eccentricies. BUT then there was a scandal. The head of Pyschology apparantly had an affair with a student, but no-one's quite sure what's happened. We know that the girl is madly in love with him (why I have no idea) and they've been texting, but apart from that it's a bit blurry. I think that the rumour that she was crying in vols is true, but no-one knows if he did "get his leg over her" as Doc D said. But he's no longer gonna be promoted to a housemaster, and no-one knows if he's gonna stay on next year or not. If he's not there's only gonna be one psychology teacher, but Dr D might be asked to stay. It's confusing

And I have to go cause it's break and I'm hungry

If anyone has any other wierd dreams, leave a comment!

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